Sunday, June 04, 2006
weekend fun..

MOOD: ewan..
MUSIC: Real - Plumb

There are things that begin to worry me, and try as i might to put them at the back of my head, they find a way to crawl back into my consciousness. The settled feeling i thought i finally placed myself in is once again disturbed. I'm okay though. I still am.

If happiness really is a choice, then, can i choose to be happy, even at the expense of osmeone else's happiness?

Yes i know i said i won't make movie tripping a weekly habit, but just yesterday, and last Friday too, i went to the movies again. Last Friday, Ton and i met up in SM Bicutan, and after a short discussion, agreed to watch Manay Po. It was a funny movie, and i kept laughing at almost all the scenes.

Then yesterday, after our intern lecture, me, Irish, Bhasti, and Megz went to G4 and watched. Due to Irish' insistent demand, i ended up watching Manay Po for a second time.

After the movie, we went to have an early dinner at Food Choices. After eating, we sat back and relaxed and planned and predicted our futures. We imagined ourselves five to ten years from now. We laughed at the hilarity of the possibility of who'll end up with whom. We also had this weird visions of or will-be class reunion.

It was already half past six when we decided to go home. But Megz had other things in mind. We got off at SM Bicutan, and went to SM's Food Court where we continued talking about our respective internships. We got rained on when we finally went home.

i've been Tin Nolasco at 18:06

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