Monday, May 15, 2006
just a reunion..

MOOD: still hang-up from the weekend..
MUSIC: Alipin - Shamrock

The whole family (including big bro's) had gone to the province for a visit. Actually, it was a planned visit. It was Pa's high school reunion, and he wanted the whole family to go back home with him.

Everyone, except me, coz i still have work, left Manila Thursday afternoon, and were in Aparri, Friday early morning. I was to follow them Friday evening, after work, but i'll have to take the bus.

Arjay took me to the bus station in Cubao after work last Friday, and when i got there, i had this sudden fright that i'm there, all alone, about to travel by myself for twelve hours. I decided to sleep the night away, and when i woke up, i was two hours away from Aparri. I decided to stay up, and before long, i was back home again by Saturday, eight am.

After i got freshened up at my cousin's place, i took off and went to my bestfriend Jedd's house, where i saw him and his family again. Most of the morning was spent visiting with some friends, and a lot of catching up with them. It had been three years since we left the place, and i saw how things have changed, big-time and in a not-so-good way.


Jedd and I had a trip down memory lane, and reminisced about our childhood. Later that day, together with another childhood friend Leah, after renting a movie to watch later that night, we went down to the park and reminisced some more, while munching on fries and burger.

When night fall came, it started to rain, and we hurried back to their place, where we had dinner with more family friends. After which, we went to Leah's house and watched Hide & Seek with the rest of the gang.

While the rest of the family stayed at my cousin's house, I spent the night at Jedd's, since Ton was spending the night there too (Ton's bestfriend is my bestfriend's brother, Wayne). The young ones packed in a little after midnight, but Jedd and i stayed up later for more catching up. It was fun being with him again.

We woke up to a sunny Sunday, and we went to church together. We saw more family friends, and a lot more kumustahans followed, and before we knew it, it was time for us to go back to Manila. We said our goodbyes after lunch, and we were on our way back to the city.


Though it was just a short time, i had enjoyed myself visiting family friends. It was nice looking back at my childhood. And lastly, i feel relieved to face people from the past, again.

i've been Tin Nolasco at 21:18

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