Thursday, June 01, 2006
just a feeling..

MOOD: okay..
MUSIC: Truth - Bamboo

When you start to notice changes going on in your life, do you take them in stride, or pause for a minute and think about them? When things start to confuse you, do you clear things up, or allow yourself to be baffled by that certain feeling of uncertainty? When things are just too good to be true, do you thank the heavens or ask yourself will these last for long?

Probably, with the changes, i'd deal with them. Confusions? I'd let them be, for a while. I won't let them affect me, unless of course, these confusions complement the changes. And if things are going well, then thank you. I don't think there's anything more that i could ask for.

i've been Tin Nolasco at 23:15

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