Tuesday, August 01, 2006
sweet, sad goodbye..

MOOD: sad, but not grieving..
MUSIC: *cousins' animated conversation*

I didn't go to work today. Actually, almost everyone in the whole family missed out either on work or school, just to attend our Lola's burial. The mass started at 9 in the morning, and ended just a little after 10, after everyone eulogized *is this even a word?* for her. I, on my part, read the poem i made for her last Thursday, while my big bro sang to her Warrior is a Child by Gary V, a song he often sang to her when he's hanging out at her store. We were all in tears when everybody was done. After the mass, we drove to Manila Memorial Park where we laid her to rest.

The whole family gathered here at home for lunch, and me and my cousins had our own group and played cards. It's a gloomy day, not because of the occasion, but because of the weather, and we all stayed in, sprawled across the living room floor, and napped til 6 in the evening. When i woke up, it occured to me how ironic the situation was. Here we are, the whole family, having a semi-reunion, only because of the death of a relative. Looking back, my Lola would have enjoyed everybody's company. Still, i know, we know, she's happy now, looking down on all of us. I know this is what she would have wanted, us, going on with our lives. I just miss her so much.


Irish, Augz, and PeeKay came to Lola's wake last Friday night. Kai, Megz, and Jayson would have come to, if only their work permitted them to. Still, i know they sympathize with me, and i love them for that. Nwei, Augz left a little before 11, and 30 minutes later, PeeKay arrived. While Irish really planned on staying the night, PeeKay was just supposed to stay until 2 am, but ended up waiting for the sun to come up before leaving. What happened was, we stayed up all night, talking with each other about a lot of things, our friends and friendship, our lovelives, our respective internships, the economy and politics, and even about some random topic. Then i realized how much i missed them. I missed hanging out with them. With everything we've talked about, now i know why i consider them my two college bestfriends. I miss you guys already. And the rest of the Hinayupackz too.:D

just a minor correction: my Lola's real name is Semproniana Quebral Acidera, opposed to what was wrongly stated in my previous entry.

i've been Tin Nolasco at 19:11

1 read and shared

  • at Thu Aug 03, 08:00:00 AM 2006,
    Anonymous Anonymous had this to say

    naks.. special mention kami.. hehehe.. actually na-miss ko din kayo.. iba talaga noh.. nways, thanks for the friendship too.. we will be always here for you.. naks, ang drama ko.. hahaha.. =)


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