Friday, October 20, 2006
the bus stop..

MOOD: kinda sleepy..
MUSIC: Panaginip - Crazy As* Pinoy

I'm about to log off and pack myself in, when my cousin forwarded me this text message. It's just so cute, that i couldn't pass up posting it here *and since i haven't got a more decent entry in mind*. Read on.

A situational question asked to a couple of hundred applicants: You are driving along, on a stormy night. You pass by a bus stop, where you see three people waiting. One, an elderly woman who's about to die. Two, an old friend who once saved your life. Three, the perfect mate you've been dreaming about. Who would you choose, knowing there could only be one passenger in your car?

One applicant was hired, because of this answer: I would give my car keys to my friend, and let that friend take the elderly woman to the hospital. Then i would stay behind and wait for the bus. With the person of my dreams.

Love it. Yeah, i know. Maybe the applicant hiring thingie isn't really part of the question, but nwei, i really thought it was cute.

i've been Tin Nolasco at 00:49

1 read and shared

  • at Fri Oct 20, 09:56:00 AM 2006,
    Anonymous Anonymous had this to say

    nareceive ko na din yung text na yan from joyce.. hehehe.. cute nga... kasing cute ko.. hahaha.. lakas trip ako ngayon.. =)


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